Monday, September 21, 2009

Gosh, it's Truly a Whore's Dilemma

I’m sorry, are you starting a top secret viral marketing campaign for the patriarchy?

I mean, seriously…the poor misunderstood players of the world. How they long to deflower, er, find their true virgin love. Of course, you could jump right to the feminists for this one, spreading their blasphemous message that it’s, like, cool for girls to be comfortable with their bodies and enjoy sex. Nooo…according to you all, girls should keep their naughty bits cloistered in chastity belts until prince charming comes along.

But wait, could it be prince charming making his way through the mist on a white steed? And could it be his secret mission is merely to get into his fair maiden's pants? And could it be she lets him because she’s deluded herself into believing he actually is prince charming… only to be dumped post coitus because he was a playa’? (Or because he got sex and something in his tiny little brain snapped causing him to flee in terror?)

Of course, not everyone chicks sleep with is necessarily perceived as said prince charming….and of course it’s pretty easy to cross the town line into Whoreville… but guys can’t get away with pulling this shit anymore, not unless you all want to go back to being conservatives. Ya know, when guys actually acted like GUYS and girls acted like girls….because deep down we all know it works much better.

So, what is the magic whore number anyway?

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