Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An Outfit With a Purpose

There is a big flare up over Venus Williams outfit at the French Open. And really, there should be. I am all about Freedom. Freedom for everyone, no matter how much I hate them or what they're saying or doing. Even in France. On the tennis court. However, Venus's outfit was basically over-sized lingerie with a very slight emphasis on "over-sized." It was over-sized like a slightly large hat is over-sized. Buttressing the lingerie-like mini-skirt (which many tennis women have been wearing versions of for years), was the skin-toned mini-shorts she had on underneath (for those of you who don't know, they are a tight-fitting over-underwear boy-shorts type of clothing that prevents you from getting the full-Monty when the women serve, or jump or otherwise cause the mini-skirt to fly up.) When Venus served and bent over, the skirt flew up and with the skin-toned shorts on, you could swear that you were seeing her ass and.... Mr. Felix himself, if you catch my drift. I mean, you know it was risque when even the French were appalled. Those people invented menage-a-trios.

So what gives? Does Venus have bad taste? She does design clothes after all - she has her own label. She has some idea of fashion, right? So maybe it was a "fashion statement?" Maybe she's making a social statement that women's bodies are beautiful and that exposing them is also beautiful and that men should learn to live with that, or some such drivel - right? I mean Venus herself, when asked (in the tone of a flattered full-figured school girl) said that "skin is beautiful." So that's it? Nope, nope, and nope.

Again, as nearly always, science knows the answer. We are animals, as I've said a million times before and will say a million times again. The skirt got attention. Lots of it. Sexually-slanted attention. Venus has always had a great figure and has, like many women, been very, very conscious of her clothing for years. So now this woman is intentionally drawing attention to herself based on clothing she knew was sexual in nature. Hmmmmmm.

But I love how people think its some kind of artistic accident and that Venus could not possibly be INTENTIONALLY drawing sexual attention to herself ON PURPOSE. Yes, its for a purpose. The purpose is sex and the purpose of sex is procreation. BABIES people. BABIES.

Venus will be 30 years old in a week or so. Women hit their sexual peak in their early 30s. Why? Birth defects skyrocket for children had by women over the age of 30. Women are able to reproduce by the early age of 13. Seems like mother nature has a window in mind for you ladies (and she doesn't care if grad school gets in the way). You see mother nature wants you to procreate at a YOUNG age, because she wants HEALTHY OFFSPRING THAT WILL SURVIVE. Venus has no kids. Mother nature is hormonally reminding her that she is running out of time. Your hormones dictate what you do (yes, I hate it as much as you do). Funny how young men are belittled and beaten down over acting the way their hormones dictate, but when a woman does it, there are loads of excuses. Venus wants babies. PERIOD. Her body wants them at least, I'm not sure what her opinion on the matter is, but wearing such outfits gets her a lot of sexual attention. The attention of men who want to have sex. One sex-ready partner plus another equals YAHTZEE. This is Venus's intention. She's advertising. When women advertise, sometimes its just for attention. They want to bond, they want to mate. In this case? Its for sex people. SEX. She could be a little more subtle, but subtle doesn't really work all that well in the animal kingdom and we are all animals. Men respond to overt physical and visual stimulus. Venus is a smart, smart woman and she's dialing up the sex appeal to get men's attention. The more attention she gets, the more discriminating she can be in choosing a mate. She knows men want sex - she wants a baby. A little negotiating on the terms is all that's left to do.

Risque? Yes.

Confusing? Just to people who aren't familiar with that guy named Darwin.

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